Real Time API Series
TONGUES Real Time API Series

Tongues’ Real Time API Series:
Speech-Based Multilingual Communication

Voice Translations in Less than 2 Seconds!

Real Time API Seriesfrom any major language, to any major language. OpenAPI Specification APIs for your development success. View Pricing Info. 

Only 2 or 3 required parameters. Audio input BASE64 (WAV, M4A, MP3, AAC, FLAC, OGG, G.711, G.722, Speex or Opus), language code or Tongues voice code. 

1. S2ST (Speech-to-Speech Translation): This groundbreaking API allows for real-time language translation during phone calls, chat conversations, and instant messaging apps. Imagine speaking in French while your conversation partner hears and responds in Spanish, in real time. [Audio Translation Only]

2. S2TT (Speech-to-Text Translation): With this innovative API, you can “speak” to your website, device, or virtual assistant, and it will immediately transcribe your words into the chosen language, enabling effortless cross-lingual communication. [Source Transcription, Text Translation]

3. S2STT (Speech-to-Speech-and-Text Translation): Perfect for healthcare and hospitality industries, this API enables users to select their source language, speak to a kiosk, and have the desk attendant hear and see the text in their preferred language, regardless of the language spoken. Real-time, seamless communication has never been easier. [Source Transcription, Audio & Text Translation]

4. T2ST (Text-to-Speech-Translation): From a simple text message, conversion to the target language in speech; high speed, audio translations, with simplicity. Great for translation apps or other solutions that need this specific ability. [Audio Translation Only]

All of these complex APIs perform at less than 2 seconds, most average under 1 second! This is for an average sentence; 15 words, 6 seconds long. Transcribed, Translated, and Speech produced in less than 1 second!

In the realm of communication technology, “real time” is typically defined as having a latency of two seconds or less. To put this in perspective, we naturally pause for approximately one second at the end of each sentence when we speak. Our APIs are designed to align with the natural cadence of human conversation, ensuring smooth and effortless communication.

We offer a flexible pricing structure for our APIs, based on three stages:

1. Setup: Signup to get started.
2. Usage: Pay for the usage of our APIs, ensuring you only pay for what you use.
3. Concurrent Scaling Requirements: Scale your usage to meet your project’s demands as needed.

Want more info, check out the results below. This is from our S2STT API. An audio sentence submitted (6 second length audio), producing the output of the transcript, translation and speech as fast as 0.8 second average. Less than 0.6 second at the fastest. Real Time for communications is under 2 seconds.

We beat Real Time over and over again! 

NOTE: The speeds below were achieved using optimal network settings to get the real speed of the platform from a remote device. Network conditions will affect performance speed of any API.

Language PairTime (ms)Averages (ms)Results
English > Spanish

EN: There are many different languages spoken throughout the world, including French, Hindi, Russian, and Chinese.

ES: Se hablan muchos idiomas diferentes en todo el mundo, incluidos el Francés, el Hindi, el Ruso y el Chino.

English > Hindi971838.2

EN: There are many different languages spoken throughout the world, including French, Hindi, Russian, and Chinese.

HI: दुनिया भर में कई अलग-अलग भाषाएं बोली जाती हैं, जिनमें फ्रेंच, हिंदी, रूसी और चीनी शामिल हैं।

English > Mandarin1025886

EN: There are many different languages spoken throughout the world, including French, Hindi, Russian, and Chinese.

ZH: 世界上有许多不同的语言,包括法语、印地语、俄语和中文。

English > French982950.6

EN: There are many different languages spoken throughout the world, including French, Hindi, Russian, and Chinese.

FR: De nombreuses langues sont parlées dans le monde, notamment le Français, l’Hindi, le Russe et le Chinois.

Ready to see a demo? Or get a Free Trial and test for yourself. Do you have a product that needs blazing fast Real Time translations? Contact us if you are ready to get started.

